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Jardim Vitoria Regia

Jardim Vitória-Régia 
Amazônia - Pará

The Jari Canal is located at the confluence of the Amazon, Tapajós and Arapiuns rivers, in the Santarém region, in western Pará. 

The Jari is fed by the brown waters of the Amazon and is home to dolphins, manatees, alligators, snakes, birds, sloths, monkeys and turtles. You can only get to the houses by boat.

It is in Canal do Jari that Jardim Vitória-Régia is located, where Dona Dulce lives, who is well known in the region for her delicious and irresistible recipes made with water lilies, ranging from tempura to french toast.

On a table with a flowered tablecloth, with tempura, brownie, popcorn, french toast, jam, fries, all made using all parts of the water lily, Dona Dulce explains about her delicious delicacies that are served and tasted by visitors.

O Canal do Jari fica na confluência dos rios Amazonas, Tapajós e Arapiuns, na região de Santarém.


O Jari é alimentado pelas águas marrons do Amazonas. É moradia para botos, peixes-boi, jacarés, cobras, aves, preguiças, macacos e tartarugas.


Só se chega até as casas de barco, construídas sobre palafitas que podem ser vistas ao percorrer o Canal. Imperdível este passeio, que pode ser feito a partir de Alter do Chão ou de Santarém através dos barqueiros locais ou agências de turismo local.

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Floresta Encantada

Named by the former residents of Cabeceira do Cuicuera, where silence and tranquility are remarkable. The area is called Caranazal due to the various coconut trees in the region of the caraná species.

Area of igapó, typical biome of the Amazon region, where the trees spend most of the year submerged in the waters of Lago Verde. It is only possible to navigate the igarapé during the rainy season, when the river is full during the Amazonian winter. 

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